Election Promises vs. NHI Reality
The Importance of Accurate Information

André Jacobs
As the election season heats up, we’re hearing promises that every citizen will be able to visit any healthcare facility, receive any necessary care, and not pay a cent immediately after the election. While these promises sound appealing, they are not grounded in the realities of the National Health Insurance (NHI) Act.
The NHI Act is a framework legislation that sets out broad principles for universal health coverage but does not define specific benefits. Moreover, the Act explicitly states that the NHI will be phased in over time. This phased approach requires individuals to register before accessing benefits and mandates adherence to clinical pathways and treatment rules (Parliament) ( Contrary to the claims, the Act does not permit unrestricted access to any healthcare provider (
Spreading such misinformation does a disservice to the public and undermines the trust citizens have in their leaders and the healthcare system. It is in the national interest to respect citizens by providing accurate, truthful information about what the NHI entails and what to expect. Ensuring that everyone is well-informed will help foster a more constructive dialogue about the future of healthcare in South Africa and pave the way for a more effective and efficient NHI implementation.
Why are these untruths spread? Is it not in the national interest to respect citizens and provide accurate information? Misinformation only creates confusion and false expectations, which can lead to frustration and disillusionment when the promised outcomes do not materialize. Accurate information is essential for building trust and ensuring that the public can make informed decisions about their healthcare (SA News) (
Join Us for NHI Insight: Facts Over Fear
To gain a deeper understanding of what the NHI Act means for you, join us at our upcoming seminars. These sessions will provide a comprehensive overview of the NHI, dispel myths, and offer honest facts. Choose from online, in-person, or hybrid formats. Secure your spot today!
- NHIletsmakeadifference
- Universalhealthcare
- NHImakeitwork
- nhiinsight
- nhifactsoverfear